Major Supporters & Partners
A challenge offered at the Assemblage Opening for DLGSC to come up with a ‘logo’ rug was met! Three days later this rug, along with a companion, arrived in perfect newly branded DLGSC colours!
Rugs made by the team at Arts Impact WA - putting their hands and hearts where their funds have also gone. The two white rugs with golden borders show how logo placement can take on a whole new form!
Watch this space for the WA Museum’s logo rug!
We’re delighted to welcome ARTS Impact WA as a major partner after winning one of their inaugural grants. ARTS Impact WA are a collective giving community supporting ambitious & unique arts projects that create positive community impact.
Additional Supporting Partners
WAAPA’s Arts and Cultural Management course have kindly provided two interns doing practicums with Reclaim the Void. Thanks to Sam Forward and Kristopher Long, and also to course coordinator Dr Vahri McKenzie.