‘imagine if every child in Australia could make a rug to contribute!’ (project participant)
A big shout-out to the Western Australian Department of Local Government, Sport and Cultural Industries, and Lotterywest, whose support for the schools residencies through their Creative Communities COVID-19 Recovery Program supported the initial stages of the project and allowed us to undertake schools residencies in Goldfields and other schools.
A mathematical modelling project from two students in Year 8 that focused on unpacking the mathematics behind the "Reclaim the void" project was recently included in the 15th International Congress on Mathematical Education.
For now we are not asking for more rugs. If this changes we’ll make an announcement! Huge thank you to the 111 schools (many, but not all, are listed here) who engaged with the project. Those student rugs are a critical part of the collective artwork and of the story.
Most importantly the kids and community have had to step out from a position of 'I' to 'we' and to being a part of the even greater 'we'. A Rogers, Princes Hill Primary, Melbourne”.
Reclaim the Void @ Schools
Bold Park Community School, Wembley, WA
Leonora District High School, northern Goldfields, WA
Leinster Community School, northern Goldfields, WA
Menzies Community School, northern Goldfields, WA
Eastern Goldfields Education Support Centre, Kalgoorlie, WA
Pinjarra Senior High School, WA
Denmark Senior High School, WA
The Beehive Montessori School, Mosman Park, WA
Eaton Community College, WA
John Curtin College of the Arts, Fremantle, WA
St Clare’s Primary School, Thomastown, West Victoria
Monte Sant’ Angelo Mercy College, North Sydney, NSW
Cinefest Oz Cinefest Schools Program (Bunbury, Busselton)
Happy Earth Homeschool Collective, Eldorado, Victoria
Carey Baptist College, Forrestdale, WA
Foxwell State Secondary College, Coomera, Qld
Castlemaine Kindergarten, Vic
Neerigen Brook Primary School, Lesmurdie, WA
Living School, Lismore, NSW
Meerilinga Children and Family Centre Beechboro, WA
St Aloysius, Queenscliff, Victoria
West Beechboro Primary School, WA
Bassendean Primary School, WA
Spearwood Primary School, WA
Notre Dame College - McAluley Champagnat Program, Vic
Harrisdale Primary School, WA
Moerlina School, WA
Bellbrae Primary School, Vic
Northcliffe District High School, WA
Charles Weston Pre-primary School, ACT
Sawyers Valley Primary School, WA
Treasured Tots Early Education, Piara Waters, WA
Wesley College, Melbourne, Vic
Numurkah Secondary College, Numurkah, Vic
Presbyterian Ladies’ College, Peppermint Grove, WA
Rivendell School, Concord, NSW
Erina High School, Erina, NSW
Travancore School, Vic
Aubin Grove Primary School, WA
Shearwater, the Mullumbimby Steiner School, NSW
Burns Beach Primary School, Burns Beach, WA
Mountain Creek State High School, Mountain Creek, Qld
Coodanup College, Mandurah, WA
Ridge View Secondary College, Baldivis, WA
Sunshine Beach State High School, Qld
Epping North Public School, Sydney, NSW
Craigie Heights Primary School, Craigie Heights, WA
Northam Senior High School, Northam, WA
St Michael’s School, Bassendean, WA
St Brigid’s Primary School, Ballan, Victoria
St Patrick’s Primary School, Gordon, Victoria
Mary McKillop Catholic Community Primary School, Ballajura, WA
Yuna Primary School, Yuna, WA
Djidi Djidi Aboriginal School, Bunbury, WA
Baldivis Secondary College, Baldivis, WA
Yanchep Rise Primary School, Yanchep, WA
Yokine Primary School, Yokine, WA
Coledale Public School, Coledale, NSW
All Saints’ College, Bullcreek, WA
Melbourne Rudolf Steiner School, Vic
St John’s, Euroa, Vic
Albany Senior High School, Albany, WA
Glenaeon Rudolf Steiner School, Sydney, NSW
Wyndham District High School, WA
Golden Hill Steiner School, Denmark, WA
Echuca Twin Rivers Specialist School, Echuca, Vic
Lakeland Senior High School, South Lake, WA
Kwoorabup Nature School, Denmark, WA
Dunsborough Primary School, Dunsborough, WA
East Fremantle Primary School, Fremantle, WA
Springvale Rise Primary School, Springvale, Vic
Mingenew Primary School, Mingenew, WA
Navigator College, Port Lincoln, SA
Carnarvon Community College, WA
Avenel Primary, Avenel, Vic
St Paul’s Catholic Primary School, Rapid Creek, NT
Rockingham Senior High School Education Support Centre, Rockingham, WA
Mansfield Rudolf Steiner School, Mansfield, Vic
North Morley Primary, Dianella, WA
Canberra Girls Grammar School, Deakin, ACT
Castlemaine Kindergarten, Vic
Maylands Primary School, WA
Concordia College, SA
Leonora District High School
Phillipines: Panay
John Curtin College of the Arts
Haileybury Rendall School, Darwin